Tehnološko sodelovanje

Tehnološko sodelovanje

20. 12. 2011

Celotna baza tehnoloških profilov Enterprise Europe Network: www.een.si/index.php?id=16&lang=si.

Podrobnejše informacije o navedenih ponudbah lahko dobite pri kontaktnih osebah navedenih spodaj. 

11 HU 50S5 3NGD

A liquid anode radiation source with head stand capability

11 FR 33j6 3NL2

A new biodegradable, water-soluble bio-plastic for bio-packaging

11 FR 33j6 3NII

A new predictive and prognostic breast cancer biomarker

11 NO 79EN 3N8O

A smart self locking device for boat fender ropes. New applications.

11 GB 41n7 3NJL

A software only process control technology suitable for all common-place computing devices

11 RU 86FG 3NGA

A system for search of images in large arrays of images stored in personal computers and in databases of corporate and global communication networks

11 LV 58AD 3NJV

Advanced nano-coating with high-speed ion-plasma magnetron sputtering technology

11 GB 41n7 3NLL

All impact sports flooring made from recycled rubber tyre

11 FR 38m7 3MHR

An optimized parallel architecture plaform for signal processing

11 GB 41n7 3NLC

Bespoke flood protection system for residential and commercial properties

11 KR 9A9D 3NCR

Computer Graphic Technology which simultaneously captures Facial and body motions

11 NL 60AH 3NID

Consultancy, Design & Engineering in Liquid, Gas and Heat Flows

11 RU 86FG 3NDO

Dental implant with new properties for teeth alignment restoration

11 DE 76DW 3NI9

Development of mobility assistance and indoor navigation solutions for elderly and handicapped

11 SK 69CV 3NHV

Dilution for detection of ovulation period from the women’s urine in test-tubes

11 PL 61AL 3NBX

Drying of buildings and structures using crystal injection method

11 FR 33j6 3NL1

Efficient interconnect topology for reconfigurable logic cluster

11 IT 56Z5 3LWL

Energy saving system for space heating in new and old houses with autonomous heating system


Institut »Jožef Stefan«

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana

Kontaktna oseba: Marjeta Trobec

Tel: (01) 477 38 79

E-pošta: marjeta.trobec@ijs.si

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Dimičeva 13, 1000 Ljubljana

Kontaktna oseba: Simona Rataj

Tel: (01) 589 81 39

E-pošta: simona.rataj@gzs.si

Center za interdisciplinarne in multidisciplinarne raziskave in študije Univerze v Mariboru

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Krekova 2, 2000 Maribor

Kontaktna oseba: Marjeta Maurer

Tel: (02) 235 52 79

E-pošta: marjeta.maurer@uni-mb.si

Univerza na Primorskem

Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Garibaldijeva 18, SI-6000 Koper

Kontaktna oseba: Simon Čotar

Tel: (05) 663 77 83

E-pošta: simon.cotar@zrs.upr.si

Ali se vam je zdel članek koristen? Da Ne
