Tehnološko sodelovanje

Tehnološko sodelovanje

13. 12. 2011

Celotna baza tehnoloških profilov Enterprise Europe Network: www.een.si/index.php?id=16&lang=si.

Podrobnejše informacije o navedenih ponudbah lahko dobite pri kontaktnih osebah navedenih spodaj. 

11 KR 9A9D 3N7F

2Channel Electroencephalogram Measurement Device, Software and Brain Computer Interface Functional Contents

11 PL 63AV 3NES

A method for instant macaroni manufacturing

11 LT 57AB 3N67

A novel coordination solution of two energy sources for heating supply systems

11 EE 21C1 3NF8

A novel filter material to purify oils and fuels from water

11 ES 26E5 3MQA

Advance knowledge on Clinical Trials in Animal and human Health

11 NL 60FI 3MDT

Advanced measurement technology for coatings to reduce maintenance costs

11 CZ 0748 3N5H

Aerobic fermenter for the processing of biodegradable waste

11 RB 1B1M 3N81

Animal feed production technology from a fruit and vegetable waste

11 KR 9A9D 3NB2

Color Arrangement Index Program

11 PL 62AQ 3NB3

Data integration system for knowledge management and science-to-business technology transfer

11 SK 69CV 3N8W

Design, construction and manufacture of air conditioning and duct systems for energetic heating technique

11 FR 34K2 3N89

Designing and manufacturing of high performance test benches

11 GB 44O6 3NFT

Development of Educational Technologies

11 IE 51S6 3NCP

Door handle sterilisation system

11 DE 18A5 3N9N

Drive unit for machine finishing process with oscillation plate supporting finishing head

11 HU 50S5 3NCB

Efficient device for eliminating smoke

11 RO 75DU 3MY7

Energy Concentrator

11 DE 18A5 3N9O

Facility for chilling and freezing of foodstuffs


Institut »Jožef Stefan«

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana

Kontaktna oseba: Marjeta Trobec

Tel: (01) 477 38 79

E-pošta: marjeta.trobec@ijs.si

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Dimičeva 13, 1000 Ljubljana

Kontaktna oseba: Simona Rataj

Tel: (01) 589 81 39

E-pošta: simona.rataj@gzs.si

Center za interdisciplinarne in multidisciplinarne raziskave in študije Univerze v Mariboru

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Krekova 2, 2000 Maribor

Kontaktna oseba: Marjeta Maurer

Tel: (02) 235 52 79

E-pošta: marjeta.maurer@uni-mb.si

Univerza na Primorskem

Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Garibaldijeva 18, SI-6000 Koper

Kontaktna oseba: Simon Čotar

Tel: (05) 663 77 83

E-pošta: simon.cotar@zrs.upr.si

Ali se vam je zdel članek koristen? Da Ne
