Tehnološko sodelovanje

Tehnološko sodelovanje

29. 11. 2011

Celotna baza tehnoloških profilov Enterprise Europe Network: www.een.si/index.php?id=16&lang=si.

Podrobnejše informacije o navedenih ponudbah lahko dobite pri kontaktnih osebah navedenih spodaj. 

11 DE 1169 3MSL

Cleantech extraction of active pharmaceutical ingredients from plants

11 RO 662B 3NA4

Complex software platform and family of software applications for health-care organizations

11 KR 9A9E 3N6V

Hybrid Inverter, Highly Compatible with Wind Generators

11 BG 0530 3N2F

Specialized compressed-air cartridge applicable in pneumatic firearms, pneumatic under-water harpoons and in the aerospace industry for spacecraft compressed air maneuvering engines

11 GB 42O1 3N75

Testing cellulite/weight loss proprieties of innovative cosmo-textiles (garments using nano-particles, micro-encapsulation, special yarns)

11 DE 1593 3N9P

Aerostatic Direct Drive for Miniaturized Machine Tools

11 JP 4B3J 3N92

Innovative gas, oil and fuel cell combustion equipment components for high temperature appliances or systems

11 RU 86FG 3N97

Technology for production of dispersion-reinforced Al-matrix composite materials

11 IT 532V 3N9C

Technologies for innovative food, nutraceuticals or cosmetics production

11 HU 50S0 3N3J

Advertising media with LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology, with intelligent programmable control

11 LV 58AD 3N8H

Search for innovative technology to increase efficiency of photovoltaic panels at low lighting intensity

11 GB 41n7 3N9M

A compact heating block system developed by chemists that enables up to 12 reactions to be performed simultaneously

11 GB 46P4 3N9S

An innovative blind providing unrivalled safety, blackout coverage and energy efficiency

11 NO 79EJ 3N9X

Boat Docking System for the High End marine market, designed for small to medium sized boats

11 AT 012L 3NA3

Core facility for independent in vitro and in vivo verification of novel drug candidates for prostate cancer therapy

11 DE 0855 3N8J

Direct editing of compressed data made possible by indexed reversible transformation

11 DE 0855 3NAL

Interoperability testing of smartphone applications

11 LU 87GA 3N8X

Affordable Variation of Valve Stroke and/or Phasing for Small Combustion Engines


Institut »Jožef Stefan«

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana

Kontaktna oseba: Marjeta Trobec

Tel: (01) 477 38 79

E-pošta: marjeta.trobec@ijs.si

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Dimičeva 13, 1000 Ljubljana

Kontaktna oseba: Simona Rataj

Tel: (01) 589 81 39

E-pošta: simona.rataj@gzs.si

Center za interdisciplinarne in multidisciplinarne raziskave in študije Univerze v Mariboru

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Krekova 2, 2000 Maribor

Kontaktna oseba: Sonja Petrič

Tel: (02) 235 52 59

E-pošta: sonja.petric@uni-mb.si

Univerza na Primorskem

Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Garibaldijeva 18, SI-6000 Koper

Kontaktna oseba: Simon Čotar

Tel: (05) 663 77 83

E-pošta: simon.cotar@zrs.upr.si

Ali se vam je zdel članek koristen? Da Ne
