Tehnološko sodelovanje

Tehnološko sodelovanje

27. 09. 2011

Celotna baza tehnoloških profilov Enterprise Europe Network: www.een.si/index.php?id=16&lang=si.

Podrobnejše informacije o navedenih ponudbah lahko dobite pri kontaktnih osebah navedenih spodaj. 

11 IL 80ER 3MHI

Accurate and Optimal Water Heating Solution for domestic water tank heaters

11 IT 56Z6 3MKI

Innovative Tool for Engrafting Plants

11 FR 32j3 3MKK

Optical sensors to spectroscopic identification of products

11 IE 51S6 3MKO

Social commerce network with revenue generation strucuture

11 IL 80ER 3MIY

A Technology to Produce Small Transparent Cylindrical Box Made of Plastic Multilayered Material is Requested

11 GB 46P4 3MKN

Novel drug metabolites sought for assay development

10 BE 0324 3IQT

New family of biodegradable flexible biocompatible polymers with amphiphilic properties intended for regenerative medicine

11 FR 32j3 3MKQ

Vegetable bi-layer yoghurt with the benefits of vegetables and yoghurt in innovating tastes

11 GB 41n7 3MLF

A new biodiesel composition with superior properties, from a simple low-energy process, with no toxic methanol, corrosive catalysts, or waste glycerol byproduct

11 NL 60FI 3MFO

Design and construction of pilot and demo plants and special test equipment for the energy and process sectors

11 GB 44O7 3MK7

Improving location decisions - analysing all forms of data geographically, from business and property to infrastructure and demographics taking into account individual location preferences

11 FR 32j3 3MKR

Larva production of perch all the year

11 NL 60FI 3MJW

Reducing salt, sugar and fats without loss of taste, texture and shelf life

11 GB 42O1 3MLX

New techniques sought to replace egg protein (albumen) in foodstuffs

11 GB 44O7 3MGB

Seeking macrophage expertise and nanoparticle design capabilities for a novel tuberculosis study

11 DE 18A5 3MH0

Mutifunctional optical polymer fiber

11 DE 1380 3M8E

New cleanable HEPA-Filter for temperatures up to 180�C - filtering toxic or valuable fines from offgases or in production processes

11 FI 30I0 3MLJ

New ECL-based (Electrochemiluminescence) detection technology and test concept, specifically optimized and suitable for next generations POC diagnostics


Institut »Jožef Stefan«

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana

Kontaktna oseba: Marjeta Trobec

Tel: (01) 477 38 79

E-pošta: marjeta.trobec@ijs.si

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Dimičeva 13, 1000 Ljubljana

Kontaktna oseba: Simona Rataj

Tel: (01) 589 81 39

E-pošta: simona.rataj@gzs.si

Center za interdisciplinarne in multidisciplinarne raziskave in študije Univerze v Mariboru

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Krekova 2, 2000 Maribor

Kontaktna oseba: Sonja Petrič

Tel: (02) 235 52 59

E-pošta: sonja.petric@uni-mb.si

Univerza na Primorskem

Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Garibaldijeva 18, SI-6000 Koper

Kontaktna oseba: Simon Čotar

Tel: (05) 663 77 83

E-pošta: simon.cotar@zrs.upr.si

Ali se vam je zdel članek koristen? Da Ne
